We are constantly asking the question: Where is this child independently successful, and how do we move them forward from this point?
Just as no two students are exactly the same, no two Joy School journeys are exactly the same. We work closely with students and families to understand each child’s unique learning profile, students are then grouped and taught based on the type of instruction they need. Because our class groupings are based on student needs, each teacher can have a slightly different emphasis or approach, utilizing different tools, resources, teaching strategies, pacing, and curriculums. The most important resource we have to offer our students is our analytical and professionally trained teachers and staff committed to figuring out what is contributing to each child's struggle.
While The Joy School utilizes a scope and sequence, we also know there is no one-size-fits-all program that can address the needs of all students. Our faculty and staff are collectively trained in a wide range of learning differences and disabilities, curriculums, teaching strategies, and learning tools, technologies, and resources. Every decision we make is based on the unique needs of our students. A combination of academic instruction and our Keys to Success is how the magic happens, enabling us to directly teach executive functioning and social pragmatic skills through our curriculum and in real-time. Ultimately we teach kids "how to learn" and "how to do school."
Our people-intensive, team approach ensures there are no cracks for any student to fall through, enabling us to confidently address each student's unique needs through a variety of teaching strategies, resources, and curriculums.