Creepy Pair of Underwear: A Joy School Production!


4th Graders at The Joy School built self-confidence in a performance about a brave rabbit and one very weird, very creepy pair of underwear!

During Halloween week at The Joy School, Ms. Anastasia’s 4th graders performed an adaptation of the picture book Creepy Pair of Underwear that had students laughing, teachers and parents beaming with pride, and the performers standing tall.

The play, supported by Speech Pathologist Rachel Gerke and Arts teacher Jeannie Do, provided students with the opportunity to build their self-confidence, work on perspective taking, and reinforce reading prosody (expressive reading), which can be especially difficult for students who struggle with reading decoding and fluency.

A common trend we see in kids when first coming to The Joy School is the feeling of defeat paired with low self-confidence. Self-confidence, one of our twelve “Keys to Success”, is a core principle we work to instill in our students to help them succeed both inside and outside of the classroom.

“I believe the students gained self-confidence, learned how to work as a team, and tapped into their creative sides to put together this production,” said Ms. Do. “We have the students envision different characteristics that the characters in the book might portray; and throughout the process they work on dialogue, intonations, memorizing, sequencing, and performance anxieties, which are all big accomplishments for our kids,” she said.

“Being in the play makes me feel special,” said one student. “It also helped us have a sense of humor when there is a little too much going on and we get stressed out.”

The students’ parents were invited to see the performance and came to a resounding verdict – participating in the play was instrumental in improving their kids’ self-confidence. “The play helped him believe in his own ability,” said one parent.

Focusing on our student’s entire development, not just academic, is what makes The Joy School so special. We are so proud of our 4th graders and the strides they have taken in building their self-confidence – we can’t wait to see what creative project they have in store for us next!

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