Joy School Parents

Parents - A Teacher’s Greatest Asset

BY LAURA SPAULDING, Staff Writer and MEREDITH YOUNG, Development Assistant

Have you ever heard the saying “happy teachers, happy students?” In the same way that The Joy School teachers set each one of our students up for success daily, our Joy School parents set our teachers up for success. The constant appreciation expressed and support shown by our parents is a valuable part of what helps our teachers show up every day, ready to make a measurable difference in our students' lives. 


A wall of appreciative notes sent in from TJS parents.

Teacher Appreciation

Last month, our teachers were showered with notes of appreciation from happy students and parents. One parent joyfully said, “He starts the day and ends the day with a smile on his face. His light shines brighter than ever. When asked what was the best thing that happened to him this last year, Graham said, “‘The Joy School! The Joy School is the best thing that has ever happened to me.”’ 

Parent expressions of appreciation, like this one, come all year round. But we have an annual Thanksgiving tradition where parents have an opportunity to share with the entire staff just how thankful they truly are. 

Appreciation is the fuel that keeps teachers going even when things are tough. And sometimes, teaching is tough. So when John’s parents say, “Thanks for hanging in there through the frustrating moments and for being willing to dig in and really get to know John and how he works,” we can’t wait to see John and keep digging in! Likewise, when we hear that Patrick, who never used to tell his parents what happened during his school day, now can't wait to tell them practically every detail, we are overjoyed! And knowing that school, for Leah, used to be a source of angst, fear, and shame, but it is now pure joy, which brings her teachers joy. It is profound how a simple note that thanks “Mrs. Troche and the entire TJS family for giving sweet Leah a place where she can flourish and shine” empowers us to keep giving all we have to make our classrooms a place where all children can thrive! It fills our cups to know how Ms. Scott really "gets" each child and looks out for them; how Conor loves his teacher so much that his parents are convinced that bond is what is making all the difference in his growth both academically and socially; and the student who used to grumble on the way home from school, now “sings on the way home, reads her writings and shares her fun stories from the day!” These stories, of course, make us just as happy as they make our happy parents.


Parents Serving on Campus

Thanksgiving is not the only time our wonderful parents are showing up in support of our teachers. Throughout the year, there are many formal and informal opportunities to give their time, talents, and treasures in support of what's happening on campus. Whether Family Fun Night, our annual Halloween Carnival, or Grandparents and Special Friends Day, we love having our parents give of their time and come to campus to witness the bond between our teachers and students firsthand. 

Grandparents and Special Friends Day is one of our very favorite times to show off the difference our small classrooms make and how each of our students is truly understood and known by their teachers. We love giving our students the chance to shine in front of their extended family and friends as they proudly show off all the joy and learning happening at their school. We are especially thankful for the parents who show up to host this event and serve our special guests. We’re encouraged by the pride and joy our parents exude watching the interactions between students and their teachers and students and their extended families. 

This year, our parents have kicked off a new initiative called the Joy Parent Community (JPC). While the primary goal of the JPC was to build community and enrich the family experience of belonging at The Joy School, ultimately, it has given our amazing parents another opportunity to support our teachers and the work happening in their classrooms. 

Parents gather on designated mornings for school announcements and updates. A staff speaker usually shares deeper insights into everything that goes into a Joy School education. This ranges from our teacher’s professional development opportunities and teaching expertise to the role of our deans and the value of their connections with students. Volunteer opportunities and other ways to get more involved are shared. 

Parents are also given the chance to connect via a Grade Level Community Huddle. This time facilitates parent communication and allows more opportunities for same-age peers and their parents to meet up outside of school. While this was never the intent, the commiserating and celebrating between parents, as stories of going from struggle to success are shared, has been an added bonus!


Parent shares his story at 2022 Annual Luncheon
Table Setting at Annual Luncheon

Parents Give Back

Parents do not only share their stories, appreciation, time, and talents with The Joy School, but they also share their treasures. Every year, teams of thankful parents help spearhead the Annual Fund and Luncheon Committees.

The funds raised during our Annual Fund and Luncheon cover the parts of our operating budget that tuition alone cannot cover. While words of appreciation and smiles on our families' faces go far in keeping teachers happy, they do not pay our teacher’s bills or provide our teachers with the materials and tools needed to do what they do best! Teach! These annual fundraising efforts truly keep our teachers happy by allowing us to continue to pay them competitively, offer high-quality and relevant professional development opportunities, ensure teachers have access to the latest and most effective teaching tools and materials, and ensure our teachers continue to have the flexibility to do what is best for the students right in front of them.

Fund the Mission, an element of the Annual Luncheon experience, also allows guests to donate to our Student Financial Aid Fund, which supports students whose families cannot afford The Joy School tuition.

These annual fundraising endeavors could not happen without the commitment of both new and returning parents and grandparents, as well as former parents and grandparents. In particular, our Luncheon Chairs spearhead the fundraising and event planning that makes our annual luncheon an impressive and successful event! It takes dozens of parents working together to accomplish our fundraising goals year after year.

Thanksgiving was an opportunity for our parents to say thank you. One parent said it best: “We hear about it, we read it in all TJS material and testimonials, but that does not compare to the gratitude for how this comes to be-- the thoughtful attention to each child and cultivating their strengths, the giving the students a voice to better advocate for themselves, the tangible growth in such a supportive environment-- it is earth-moving stuff for families fortunate enough to be here.” 

TJS Parents wrapping holiday gifts for TJS teachers and staff.

And now, this week, our parents are here on campus once again, showing their deep appreciation and support by wrapping our Christmas presents for us! TJS staff drops off boxes of gifts they’ve purchased for their own children, families, and friends. By the end of the week, they pick up those same cardboard boxes, but they are now full of beautifully wrapped and labeled packages tied with pretty ribbons and bows. While this might seem like a little thing compared to all the other ways our parents keep our teachers happy all year, it is the little things that matter most. This tiny act of service enables our teachers to finish the semester strong despite the outside pressures and busyness of the season.

What they say is true, “happy teachers, happy students.” But maybe there is a difference between happiness and joy. Maybe joyful parents empower joyful teachers so that joyful teachers can empower joyful students. After all, it is joy in learning that empowers true growth and success.


If you want to learn more about The Joy School, which empowers students with learning differences to reach their social and academic potential, visit Why Joy.


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  • featured
  • parents
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